Table of Contents
Abaqus is a comprehensive Finite Element program system for solving complex linear and non-linear tasks in structural analysis, dynamics, heat conduction and acoustics with large geometry non-linearities and the possibilities of substructure technology. Abaqus is commercial software suite developed by Dassault Systèmes Simulia Corp..
There are various Abaqus software products accessible on the cluster: Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, Abaqus/CAE, Abaqus/Viewer.
For a complete list of Abaqus products, after loading the appropriate module, type abaqus help
Abaqus licensing
The use of Abaqus on the cluster system is strictly limited to teaching and academic research for non-industrially funded projects only.
Abaqus analysis or interactive application running on the cluster must contact the license server (provided by LUIS) at the beginning
of the execution and periodically during the execution, i.e. Abaqus must have uninterrupted communication with the license server.
A single CPU job from Abaqus/Standard
or Abaqus/Explicit
requires 5 so-called Analysis Tokens. For each additional CPU per job,
an additional analysis token is required. Currently 720 Abaqus license-tokens can be totally utilized by cluster jobs.
To display the actual status of the license usage, after loading the Abaqus module(see below), type:
abaqus licensing lmstat -a
Usage on the cluster
You can list all available Abqaus versions by calling module avail abaqus
. To load a particular software version, use module load ABAQUS/<version>
For example, to activate Abaqus version 2019, type
module load ABAQUS/2019
Abaqus contains a large number of example problems which can be used to become familiar with Abaqus on the system.
These example problems are described in the Abaqus documentation and can be obtained using the Abaqus fetch
For example, the following will extract the input file s4d.inp
for the test problem s4d:
abaqus fetch job=s4d
Abaqus GUI
The pre- and post-processor Abaqus/CAE
or the post-processor Abaqus/Viewer
can be used with a graphical user interface.
The Abaqus/CAE
GUI can be launched by the command:
abaqus cae -mesa
Whereas the Abaqus/Viewer
GUI can be started using:
abaqus viewer -mesa
Abaqus batch usage
if your model makes use of a user defined subroutine, in order to run Abaqus the option user=<your_subroutine>
has to be provided when calling Abaqus in all batch scripts.
Below is the example batch script
for a serial (single CPU core) run:
SLURM script
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --job-name=abaqus_smp #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --mem=4G #SBATCH --time=00:30:00 #SBATCH #SBATCH --mail-type=END # Load modules module load ABAQUS/2020 unset SLURM_GTIDS # Change to work dir: cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR # Run Abaqus abaqus job=my_job input=<my_input_file.inp> scratch=$TMPDIR interactive
Submit the file
to SLURM with the command: sbatch
The keyword interactive
in the script is required to tell Abaqus not to return until the simulation has completed.
It is assumed that the input file <my_input_file.inp>
is located in the job submit directory.
For very large Finite Element models (over 100,000 degrees of freedom), computing in parallel mode using several processors at the same time is often better suited to obtain the result of the analysis more quickly. In the ideal case, the wall-clock time is shortened proportionally to the number of processors involved.
The following is a sample batch script for a parallel run in the SMP mode (many CPU cores on a single compute node).
SLURM script
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --job-name=abaqus_parallel_smp #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20 #SBATCH --mem=60G #SBATCH --time=00:30:00 #SBATCH #SBATCH --mail-type=END # Load modules module load ABAQUS/2020 unset SLURM_GTIDS # Change to work dir: cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR # Run Abaqus abaqus job=my_job input=<my_input_file.inp> mp_mode=threads cpus=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK scratch=$TMPDIR interactive
Submit the file
to SLURM with the command: sbatch
The sample script below executes Abaqus in a paralle MPI mode (CPU cores on many compute nodes)
SLURM script
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --job-name=abaqus_parallel_mpi #SBATCH --nodes=2 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20 #SBATCH --mem=120G #SBATCH --time=00:30:00 #SBATCH #SBATCH --mail-type=END # Load modules module load ABAQUS/2020 unset SLURM_GTIDS # Change to work dir: cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR # Make Abaqus hostlist recored in abaqus_v6.env expand-slurm-nodelist --abaqus # Run Abaqus abaqus job=my_job input=<my_input_file.inp> mp_mode=mpi cpus=$((SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK*SLURM_NNODES)) scratch=$TMPDIR interactive
Submit the file
to SLURM with the command: sbatch
In this multi-node mode run, Abaqus requires the list of reserved compute nodes to be written in the file abaqus_v6.env
This file is created by the script create_abaqus_host_list
(or expand-slurm-nodelist --abaqus
for SLURM scrpt) in the job's work directory. If there is an abaqus_v6.env file in your work directory from a previous run, the information will be obsolete and Abaqus will try to access nodes that are not allowed for the current job. Therefore, please use a separate directory for each Abaqus run.
Performance tipp: try to fill one node before requesting more than one - inter-node communication (between nodes) is almost always slower than intra-node communication (within a node). So try to stay on one node and only grow if you need to. If your job can use all cores on one node, request them, and remember to also request almost all memory when you fill a node (if you only use half the cores, of course, you should also request less than half of the node's memory). Rule of thumb: leave about 2 GB free for the Linux kernel and system buffers. Have a look in the table of Hardware specifications of cluster compute nodes to find a partition that suits your needs, and test which setup gives you the best performance.