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Cluster introductory course

All members of Leibniz Universität Hannover can join (free of charge) a basic introductory course for the LUIS compute cluster. During the course, you will learn about the capabilities of the system, how to set up batch jobs, work with software modules and various file systems as well as how to transfer files to and from the compute cluster. Preliminary experience in working with compute clusters is not required, but at least some familiarity with Linux and/or the command line will help a great deal. You should have a working cluster account and know your password.

The course (duration: about 2 hours) is offered approximately every other month, and it will be announced on this page once the date has been fixed (probably ~ Jan/Feb 2025).

The course slides are here.

If you are interested, please let us know by sending an email saying you would like to join to at your earliest convenience. You will only get an automatic confirmation message from the ticket system, no individual confirmation. When it's time, simply join using the above link. Should we need to cancel a course, we will announce it via the Cluster-News mailing list and also publish it on this page.

course/cluster_introductory_course_online.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/03 14:05 by zzzzgaus

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